Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Professor Boaventura de Sousa Santos (Portugal)
Dr. Giuliana Ferri (United Kingdom)
Professor Boaventura de Sousa Santos (Portugal)
Dr. Giuliana Ferri (United Kingdom)
Dr. María Luisa Pérez Cañado (Spain)
The IALIC 2022 conference is a springboard to welcome a radical re-appraising of epistemological approaches to the study of diversity and interculturality. Following the motto for this event, the committee is currently calling for abstracts from IALIC members and other interested scholars/researchers in the wider community, critically addressing diversity and interculturality in, among other possible topics:
- Diverse theoretical perspectives
- Different levels of formal education (from preschool to higher education)
- Teacher education and professional development
- Digital communication and education
- Arts-based movements and practices
- Non-formal education and communitarian initiatives
- Mediation and sociocultural pedagogies
- Research approaches and methodologies
- Linguistic citizenship and social justice perspectives
- Different types of partnerships and networks
- …
Submission of Abstracts
We invite submission of proposals by 10th May 2022.
We invite submission of proposals by 10th May 2022.
The extended new deadline is now 20th May 2022.
Abstracts should be submitted to EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ialic2022
Please follow this template to submit the abstract: IALIC2022_Abstract_Template
You can download the full call for paper here: IALIC2022_CfP
More information about the theme of the event, presentation formats and submission procedures can be found here: https://ialic2022.ie.ulisboa.pt. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us (ialic.conference.2022@gmail.com).
Please follow the link for the details of registration: https://ialic2022.wixsite.com/ialic2022/registration
Important Dates
- Submission of Abstracts: until 10th May
- Notification of Acceptance: 31th May
- Early Bird Registration: until 31st July
- Late Registration: until 31st August
You could also find more about the conference and Lisbon below:
The conference official website: http://ialic.international/lisbon-2022-conference/