Towards a plurilingual curriculum:
fostering pluricultural communication in the digital age
Thursday 28th to Saturday 30th November, 2024
University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
This conference invites participants to (re)think languages and intercultural communication as a combined curriculum contribution through a plurilingual and pluricultural perspective, recognising all intercultural practices as a principle of critical social justice approaches to communication (Zarate et al. 2008/2011; Alao et al. 2013; Cenoz & Gorter, 2015; Beacco et al. 2016, Narcy-Combes et al. 2019, Auger & Le Pichon-Vorstman, 2021; Escudé & Derivry- Plard, 2022). In a changing world required to address such vital challenges as climate change, social and cultural inequalities, the digitalisation of societies and their democratic agendas, we need to envisage a radical shift in how we see language education. We define language education as both formal and informal in the way languages are or are not passed on to new generations, as forms that can generate equitable educational processes that are essential for democracy (Byram et al. 2023; Cummins, 2021; Council of Europe, 2022). We need to take into account that communication includes both online or offline practices (Blommaert, 2017, 2018) and that it is vital to better understand the multimodal natures of communication, the semiotics of language and their power relations (Kramsch, 2009, 2021). To foster such understandings, the development of multimodal learning environments, intercultural telecollaborations and virtual exchanges, which are blurring the lines between education, training and current practices, must be addressed (Potolia & Derivry-Plard, 2023). Human communication has to be reconsidered within a pluridisciplinary, decolonised framework (Mignolo and Walsh, 2018; Alvarez Valencia, 2023) that allows people to communicate through languages and cultures in order to mediate meaning-making (Liddicoat & Scarino, 2013, Liddicoat & Derivry-Plard, 2023). Intercultural communication becomes vital to find collective and imaginative solutions. From there, people can better position themselves as intercultural speakers, in order to face the challenges identified in building democratic societies (Deyrich & Majhanovic, 2017; Kramsch & Zhang, 2018). Pluricultural and intercultural communication is supported by language learning and teaching, in recognition of linguistic and cultural trajectories, and legitimate participation of diverse speakers in global discussions for intercultural citizenship (Byram et al. 2016; Majhanovich & Malet, 2015; Orsini-Jones & Lee, 2018; Derivry-Plard, 2022; Lütge et al. 2023; Malet & Derivry-Plard, 2023).
The following themes are grouped within the overarching proposition to set up plurilinguistic sustainability (Agresti, 2018, 2019) acknowledging the linguistic rights of all (Skutnabb- Kangas et al. 2009). This calls for attention to conceptual and interdisciplinary innovations, as well as to renewed mixed methodologies that allow investigation of a variety of contexts and situations (from macro to meso and micro levels).
We invite proposals for individual papers, panels (up to 4 people and a discussant) and round table (up to 4 people and a moderator) around any of the following topics.
- Theme 1: Language and communication ideologies such as linguicism, glottophobia, native-speakerism and language planning and policies
- Theme 2: Intercultural telecollaboration for the integration of language and content (CLIL)
- Theme 3: Linking intercultural telecollaboration or virtual exchanges with study abroad and civic service
- Theme 4: Integrating L1 teaching and additional languages, including local and migrant populations
- Theme 5: Inter-comprehension and intercultural practices across Romance, Germanic, African and Asian languages
- Theme 6: Language teacher and language speaker development in pluricultural communication
- Theme 7: Renewal of assessment for languages and intercultural education
Each conference contribution should show how the specific research or project illustrates or responds to the general title of the conference.
Languages for the conference: English and French (all other languages are welcome but must provide a translation into English or French).
Please submit to the IALIC 2024 official website by 4th May 2024:
- Theme 8: Critical and social justice approaches to intercultural communication and understanding
Call for papers opens: 26th March 2024
Deadline for abstract submission: 4th May 2024 New Deadline: 26th May 2024
End of abstract approval process: 14th June 2024
Early bird registration: 17th June to 1st October (midnight) 2024
Registration closes: 4th November 2024
Please see the full Call for Papers here.
Conference programme