Conference website: https://cienciassociales.uniandes.edu.co/novedades/eventos/ialic-2021/
The 21st Annual Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) is the first to be hosted in South America. Following last year’s successful virtual symposium marking 20 years of the Association, the 21st Annual Conference will also be online, pushing the boundaries of interculturality as we move towards a post-pandemic world. IALIC invites abstracts of 300 words that address the theme of “Language, culture and interculturality: Global debates, local challenges” for an online Conference in November 2021. The committee is currently calling for abstracts from IALIC members and other interested scholars/researchers in the wider community, addressing the topics below:
- Decolonising intercultural pedagogies
- Language, culture and the postcolonial inheritance
- Researching multilingually
- Indigenous minority languages and intercultural pedagogy
- Language education and language policy in the Global South
- Translanguaging and intercultural communication
- Plurilingualism and the rise of Global English
- Marginalised identities in intercultural theory and practice
- Critical and feminist intercultural pedagogies
- LGBTQ identities in the intercultural curriculum
- Including the differently abled in intercultural education
- Interculturality in the virtual world
- Cyberspace, cyberculture and intercultural communication
- Telecollaboration, intercultural competence and the language classroom
- Social media and intercultural being
- Revisiting culture and interculturality in education
- Intercultural language teaching and learning: new orthodoxies?
- Transnational intercultural language education policies
- The role of the arts in intercultural education
- Intercultural pedagogies in times of crisis
- Intercultural mediation in situations of conflict
- The translator and interpreter as intercultural mediator
- Culture and language in diasporic situations
- Intercultural education and activism in the context of migration
- Culture shock in intercultural theory and practice
- Trauma and interculturality
Abstract submission
Abstracts should be 250-300 words maximum and must contain a title, the author’s or authors’ name(s), institutional affiliation(s), a brief biography (up to 50 words and for each author), and up to six references. Abstracts will be reviewed by a scientific committee. Please download the full Call for Abstracts here.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is Monday 28th June 2021. You will receive notification of the outcome of the review process by 30th July, 2021. Please email your abstract to IALIC2021@uniandes.edu.co
Second Call for Abstracts:
The extended deadline for submission of abstracts is Monday 30th August 2021. You will receive notification of the outcome of the review process by 27th September, 2021. Please email your abstract to IALIC2021@uniandes.edu.co
Selection and online presentation
Abstracts will be reviewed by the conference committee, and the authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to present their ideas in the online conference. Presenters will speak for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion with the online audience, for a total of 30 minutes.
Registration fees
£10 PGR students
£15 Members of IALIC; attendees (not presenting)
£20 Presenters
If you would like to become a member of IALIC or renew your membership, please find further information at http://ialic.international/join-ialic/
The primary languages of the conference are Spanish, English, and Portuguese, and abstracts can be submitted in any of these languages. We also welcome the submission of abstracts in other, e.g., indigenous, languages. If your abstract is in a language other than English, please provide a translation into English.
When submitting your abstract, please specify the language of the presentation in the online conference.
LAIC special conference issue
Following the online conference, there will be a call for a special issue of IALIC’s journal Language and Intercultural Communication, to be published in early 2023, where the selected presenters and other researchers/scholars in the wider academic community will be invited to submit full papers on culture, interculturality, global debates and local challenges, addressing these and other topics related to the themes of the conference. Presenters of papers in Spanish or Portuguese may also respond to this call as the LAIC conference issue will consider publishing a limited number of articles in these languages, subject to the review process.
If you have any further questions about the call for abstracts, please contact the symposium organisers at IALIC2021@uniandes.edu.co.
Conference organisers
Beatriz Peña Dix, bpena@uniandes.edu.co
John Corbett, johnbcorbett@uic.edu.cn
Mario José Molina Naar, j.molina@uniandes.edu.co
IALIC Executive committee
- Chair: Prue Holmes, Durham University, England
- Secretary: Maria José Coperías, University of Valencia, Spain
- Membership Secretary: Haynes Collins, University of Leeds, England
- Treasurer: Judith Reynolds, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
- Journal Representatives: Malcolm MacDonald, University of Warwick, England
- Research Officer: Claudia Borghetti, University of Bologna, Italy
- Communications Officers: Zhuomin(Min) Huang, The University of Manchester, England; Ana Beaven, University of Bologna, Italy
- Postgraduate Student Representative: Ramzi Merabet, Leeds University, England
Other Committee Members
Troy McConachy, University of Warwick, England
Cristina Ros I Solé, co-opted member