Call for Papers: IALIC 2022 Lisbon


We are excited to announce that the call for papers for the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) is now open! The conference will take place at the Institute of Education of University of Lisbon, Portugal, from 7th to 9th September 2022. Under the theme “Diversity and Epistemological Plurality: Thinking interculturality ‘otherwise’”, we hope the conference may become a forum for the sharing of thought-provoking perspectives and research around the topics of diversity and interculturality. 

We invite you to submit your abstracts until 10th May 2022. You may find detailed information about the Call for Papers and other topics on the event’s website: We are aware of the tight set of deadlines, but we are counting on your proposal submissions to assemble a very exciting and exquisite conference programme. For now, two very relevant keynote speakers are confirmed: Professor Boaventura de Sousa Santos (Portugal) and Dr. Giuliana Ferri (United Kingdom).  We would be very glad to welcome you in Lisbon, and we are looking forward to receiving your abstract submissions! 

You can find the details here:

The Organising Committee