Chinese Students, Teachers and Scholars Abroad:
Myths and Realities
University of Helsinki, Finland
Organized by the Confucius Institute (University of Helsinki)
The Education for Diversities Research Group
(E4D, Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, Finland)
Conference website: http://blogs.
Plenary Speakers
Zhu Hua (Birbeck University, London England, UK)
Michael Singh (University of Sydney, Australia)
Cai Yuzhuo (University of Tampere, Finland)
Full call for papers:
fi/chinese-abroad/about-the- conference/ We invite submission of proposals by 15th February 2013. Abstracts should be submitted through Easyabstracts: http://tinyurl.
com/chineseabroad Paper and colloquia proposals are invited.
Individual paper proposals (100-150 words; duration: 30 minutes including a twenty-minute presentation, with an additional ten minutes for discussion).
Colloquia proposals (200 words for the colloquium concept and 100-150 words on each paper, duration: 3 hours, max. 5 participants – conveners and discussant included)
Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee for originality, significance, clarity and academic rigour.
Decisions about the submitted proposals: 1st March 2013