Following the success of the IALIC 2023 conference in Cyprus, we are writing again to remind you of the possibility to prepare and submit your paper to the LAIC journal, for a Special Issue based on the conference theme. Please see the attached call for papers and the points below in order to prepare your manuscript.
- Papers should be prepared and submitted to the LAIC website (max. length 8000 including bibliography) – []

- Papers should directly relate to the conference theme (see attached description)
- On submission, mark your paper clearly ‘Special Issue IALIC 2023’
- The deadline for submission of papers is 15 March 2024
The Special Issue is planned to be published in early 2025.
Please see the full call here.
For any questions don’t hesitate to contact us:
Best wishes
The SI editorial team
Constadina Charalambous
Michalinos Zembylas
Xanthia Aristidou